The Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, recently inaugurated developmental works carried out under the ‘Mana Ooru- Mana Badi’ programme at the Zilla Parishad High School in Kothur under Raiparthy mandal in Warangal district. This programme aims to improve the quality of State-run educational institutions and bring them on par with corporate schools. The government has allocated Rs 7,000 crore for this initiative.
During his visit, the minister urged parents to send their children to State-run schools, stating that the government is doing everything possible to impart quality education. He also spent time with the students and emphasized the importance of academics and extracurricular activities for a successful career. The school has undergone significant changes under the ‘Mana Ooru- Mana Badi’ programme, including painting, developing a garden, providing computers, library, playground, and toilets. The government has spent Rs 2 crore on Kothur High School, making it the best in the district.
District Collector P Pravinya and other officials were present at the programme. The minister cautioned parents about the dangers of social media addiction and urged them to keep an eye on their wards’ hobbies. Overall, the ‘Mana Ooru- Mana Badi’ programme is changing the face of State-run educational institutions and providing quality education to students.