The Hyderabad district election authorities are focusing on training personnel to increase voter participation in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The SVEEP initiative aims to educate the public about their electoral rights and the impact of their votes. Activities such as workshops and awareness drives are being held to ensure every voter is informed.
Students above 18 years old are encouraged to enroll in electoral rolls and spread awareness about the importance of voting. The low voter turnout in Greater Hyderabad during previous elections has raised concerns, with efforts being made to enhance voter engagement through innovative approaches.
Booth-level officers are working to increase voter turnout by mobilizing young and inactive voters. Meticulous planning and targeted interventions are necessary, along with the use of social media for effective campaigns. Initiatives like college programs have boosted first-time voter enrollment in the State.
Those who have not registered as voters can do so before April 15, while those already registered are advised to check their names in the voter list. Special emphasis is being placed on reaching out to young first-time voters through poll duties.