The Endowments Commissioner in Hyderabad, Hanumantha Rao, instructed department officials to prepare for the Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy Jatara on June 1. This annual event attracts many devotees and it is important to ensure that they do not face any difficulties. Special officers have been appointed to oversee the celebrations at the temple.
The Hanuman Jayanti celebrations are scheduled to take place on June 1 at Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy Temple. Deputy Commissioners Ramakrishna and Vinod Reddy will supervise the arrangements for the festivities. The officials are organizing various facilities such as tarpaulin carpets, separate queues for different groups, drinking water supply, power supply, mobile toilets, medical ambulances, Prasad counters, police security, and parking for devotees. Adequate RTC buses will be provided for those coming from different parts of the State and neighboring states like Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and AP.
The department officials are focused on ensuring the safety and security of all attendees. They are working to prevent any untoward incidents during the event. Public representatives participating in the jatara will also have security arrangements in place. The commissioner has reviewed all facilities and arrangements for the upcoming celebrations and issued necessary orders to make sure everything runs smoothly.