Telangana Governor, Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan, recently held an event called Chancellor Connects Alumni. The event took place at Raj Bhavan Community Hall and included officials from state universities, prominent academics, and those involved in alumni affairs at educational institutions. Many principals and alumni from colleges and universities across Telangana attended the event and shared how alumni support has helped their institutions grow.
In 2020, the Telangana Governor initiated the Chancellor Connects Alumni program to connect all alumni with their alma maters and strengthen the institutions with their help. During the event, Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan expressed her desire for higher education in Telangana to be top-notch and for Telangana students to excel in all fields. She emphasized that alumni are a valuable resource for any institution and their services should be utilized in an organized manner.
As part of the program, a special event will be held on October 31 to reward the best alumni. Alumni are required to submit their data on the official website by October 15.