On Friday, Social Welfare Minister Koppula Eshwar and BC Welfare and Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar opened a senior citizens day care centre in Karimnagar town. The State government plans to open such centres all over the State. The day care centres offer facilities such as daily newspapers, magazines, a gym, indoor sports, physiotherapy, and more. A rescue vehicle for senior citizens and specially-abled persons was also launched.
Various officials attended the programme, including Zilla Parishad chairperson K Vijaya, Peddapalli MP Venkatesh Netha, City Mayor Y Sunil Rao, Collector RV Karnan, Commissioner of Police L Subbarayudu, ZP CEO Priyanka, DMHO Dr Lalitha Devi, DWO K Sabitha, and RDO Anand Kumar. Senior citizens were also present.