The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has called three of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh’s close associates for questioning. The ED has summoned Sarvesh Mishra, Vivek Tyagi, and Kanwarbir Singh. Sarvesh Mishra may appear before the investigative agency today. Sanjay Singh has been detained in connection with an alleged liquor fraud in Delhi.
In May of this year, the ED searched the offices of Sanjay Singh’s close friends, Sarvesh Mishra and Vivek Tyagi. During the search, papers and mobile phones were found, indicating their connection to the liquor fraud. The ED informed the court on Thursday that Dinesh Arora had paid Rs 2 crore to Sanjay Singh in two installments at his house. Sarvesh Mishra was mentioned during this conversation.
The ED’s lawyer stated that the bribe was collected on behalf of Sanjay Singh at his residence by Sarvesh Mishra. The investigating agency also claims that Vivek Tyagi, who was Sanjay Singh’s personal assistant, was given a stake in the company of accused Amit Arora. To further investigate Dinesh Arora’s allegations, the ED may summon Sanjay Singh for questioning along with Sarvesh Mishra and Vivek Tyagi. According to sources, there may be more people called in for questioning in the next few days.