Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao spoke at a conference in Hyderabad on Thursday and mentioned the possibility of holding Assembly elections in October. He said that the BJP may decide to hold the polls in October as they feel they are losing ground in the state. KCR instructed party leaders and workers to focus on winning 100-plus seats. In 2014, the pink party won 63, and in 2018, it won 88.
KCR stated that the first file he would sign after the inauguration of the new Secretariat building would be regarding the sanction of Rs 3 lakhs to the poor who have land and want to construct houses. He also asked the party leaders to stop making claims about party tickets openly and stay among the people.
KCR expressed his displeasure over infighting at party’s Atmeeya Sammelans held across the state. He warned that corrupt practices will not be tolerated, and individuals engaging in such activities will be mercilessly sent out of the party.
The BRS chief made it clear that BJP’s presence in the state is minuscule, and only in some constituencies will the fight be triangular. However, he cautioned party leaders not to ignore the saffron party and focus on weak constituencies.
Regarding the BRS contesting polls in other states, KCR stated that the party will only contest winnable seats for now and not all 543 Lok Sabha seats.