The government of Telangana is giving silk sarees to 26 temples during the Bonalu festival. The festival begins on June 22 and the government has set aside Rs.15 crore for it. Last year, they gave financial assistance to 3,039 temples in the twin cities and this year they will be doing the same. The government is asking temple committees to submit their papers early to receive the financial assistance.
On Tuesday, Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav held a meeting with officials at the Secretariat to review the arrangements for the festival. Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy, Labour Minister Malla Reddy, and GHMC Mayor Gadwala Vijaya Laxmi were also present at the meeting. The officials were instructed to make sure that all the temples are illuminated with colourful lights and cultural programmes are organised at the noted temples during the celebrations.