Hyderabad police commissioner C V Anand announced on Friday that three Nigerian drug peddlers and a Tollywood film director have been arrested by TSNAB officials. The arrests were made following leads from previous operations. The peddlers were based in Bangalore and were apprehended along with several high-profile consumers.
Anand took to a social platform to inform the public about the dark narcotics underbelly of Tollywood, which has always been a topic of discussion. He mentioned that efforts are underway to locate the remaining suspects who are on the run, some of whom own well-known pubs.
In another post, Anand shared a video about the influence of movies on youth and their inclination towards drugs. He emphasized the negative impact of scenes depicting drug consumption by lead characters, as they can normalize harmful behavior in society and promote a “It’s all right!” attitude. Anand stated that filmmakers need to strike a balance between creative freedom and social responsibility.
During the arrests, the police seized 8 grams of Cocaine, 50 grams of MDMA, 24 Ecstasy Pills, and 8 cell phones from the accused. Anand emphasized that governments are concerned about the spread of drug usage among youth and that TS_NAB will not spare anyone found indulging in it in any form. He highlighted the importance of safeguarding the next generation from the dangers of drugs.