The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) has recommended imposing a fine of ₹11.68 crore on Resonance laboratory, a drug manufacturing company in Doddaballapur KIADB Industrial Area. The company has been operating a significant pharmaceutical manufacturing plant without obtaining the necessary environmental clearance for a long time. They eventually obtained clearance in August 2020, but there are concerns about its validity.
The case was taken up by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), where concerns were raised about the authority’s jurisdiction to grant environmental clearance without addressing past violations and fines. In response, the NGT ordered the Pollution Control Board to reassess the environmental damage based on established guidelines. The Board submitted a report seeking further orders, and the final hearing is scheduled for September 25.
The company estimated a penalty of ₹7.63 lakh, but there is a gap in the pollution control board guidelines regarding calculating environmental damage related to financial gain or advertisements resulting from violations. The company falls under the red category and operated without clearance for 3,117 days. The pollution control board’s guidelines indicate an environmental compensation of ₹11.68 crore considering various aspects.
Overall, the company has violated environmental regulations and may face a significant fine for their actions. The case is being reviewed by the NGT, and a final decision will be made in September.