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Dr. Ravi Kumar Naik, District Immunization Officer, urges online entry of vaccine details for each child

Dr. Ravi Kumar Naik, District Immunization Officer, urges online entry of vaccine details for each child

Today, Dr. Ravi Kumar Naik, the Immunization Officer, visited Nagar Kurnool town to inspect vaccination records in various villages. He suggested that Asha workers should work hard to ensure all children on the vaccine due list are brought to the vaccination center.

During the visit, Dr. Naik examined records in Center, Endabetla, Charla Itikyala, Charla Tirmalapur villages. He emphasized the importance of entering details of vaccinated children in the online portal of Yuvin Win.


District Vaccine Stores Manager Kumar, ANMs, Kavita, Kavita Rani, and Asha activists were also present during the program. They discussed ways to improve vaccination coverage and ensure every child receives their required vaccines.



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