Dr Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, the BJP National Co In-charge for Tamil Nadu, visited his native village of Narayanapuram in Khammam district. He collected soil as part of the nation-wide ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ campaign, initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Dr Sudhakar Reddy also participated in a tree plantation program at the village school.
The campaign involves BJP leaders and workers collecting soil from the houses of martyrs and prominent individuals across the country. The collected soil will be sent to Kartaya Path in New Delhi to construct the Amrit Vatika, a memorial for freedom fighters and martyrs.
Later, Dr Sudhakar Reddy visited Khammam town and met with party leaders. He discussed Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s upcoming tour with party district president Galla Satyanrayana, Parliamentory Convener Namburi Ramalingeswara Rao, and other leaders. Dr Sudhakar Reddy encouraged the party leaders to work towards the development of the party and its success in future elections. He also visited Padmasri Awardee Vanajeevi Ramaiah and collected soil from his house in Reddy Palli village.