Home Telangana “Don’t worry,” Harish Rao tells farmers who suffered crop loss in Siddipet...

“Don’t worry,” Harish Rao tells farmers who suffered crop loss in Siddipet during meeting.

"Don't worry," Harish Rao tells farmers who suffered crop loss in Siddipet during meeting.

Telangana Minister Harish Rao visited Nancharupally and Bakrichepyala villages in Siddipet district, where farmers had lost crops due to untimely rains during the night. The minister assured the farmers that the government will support them and asked for details of the crop loss. He directed the district administration to estimate the damage of grain crops and said that the officials will help the farmers.

Minister Harish Rao said that the hailstorm has caused severe damage to the farmers and that there has been crop damage in about 40,000 acres in Siddipet district. The highest rainfall of 10.1 cm was recorded in Mirdoddi mandal, while other areas received varying amounts of rainfall. The condition of the farmers has become alarming, and despite financial difficulties, the government will support them.



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