Home Hyderabad Doctors’ feathers ruffled by Harish’s directive

Doctors’ feathers ruffled by Harish’s directive

Doctors' feathers ruffled by Harish's directive

The Health Reforms Doctors Association (HRDA) in Hyderabad has criticized the Health Minister T Harish Rao’s decision to appoint trained quacks. The HRDA believes that instead of trying to eliminate quackery in the state, the government is putting public health at risk by making such a statement.

HRDA President K Mahesh Kumar questioned the need for so many medical colleges if the government plans to train quacks. He also expressed disappointment that the Health Minister is suggesting that guidelines were set by the High Court of Telangana for training quacks, when in fact, the court had stated that there is no primary legislation in place to regulate and register rural medical practitioners and paramedics.

The HRDA president highlighted a committee that was formed by the government to address this issue, as mentioned in GO Rt No 428. However, he emphasized that the Health department has not taken any necessary action against quacks who are posing as doctors and prescribing scheduled drugs.

The HRDA demands that the proposals for training quacks be immediately withdrawn and necessary steps be taken to eradicate quackery from Telangana in order to protect public health.



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