Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka State, DK Shivakumar, recently spoke at an election campaign meeting in support of Congress candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav. During his speech, Shivakumar suggested that by voting for the Congress Party and winning in the upcoming elections, they can confine Telangana Chief Minister KCR to his farmhouse.
Shivakumar emphasized the importance of voting for the Congress party and restricting KCR’s influence. He highlighted the introduction of six guarantee schemes for the welfare of the people in Karnataka and expressed confidence that similar schemes will be implemented in Telangana if Congress wins the elections. He urged the attendees to vote for Anjan Kumar Yadav.
Furthermore, Shivakumar criticized the KCR government for spreading false news about the implementation of welfare schemes in Karnataka. He assured the audience that he would prove them wrong.
In conclusion, DK Shivakumar’s speech focused on the need to vote for the Congress party, implement welfare schemes, and confine KCR to his farmhouse.