A Police Grievance Cell program was held at the District Police Office in Nagarkurnool on Monday. The District SP, Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath, listened to complaints from people who attended the event. He spoke with them individually to understand their problems. After hearing from the complainants, SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath instructed the police officers to address the issues raised in the complaints promptly. A total of six complaints were received during the program.
SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath personally oversaw the Police Grievance Cell program at the District Police Office in Nagarkurnool. He met with individuals who had grievances and asked about their concerns. Following these interactions, SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath instructed the relevant police officers to take swift action to resolve the complaints. A total of six complaints were submitted through Prajavani during the event.