Nagarkurnool is hosting the Saleswaram Jatara, also known as Telangana Amarnath, in Lingala mandal located in the Nallamalla forests of Nagar Kurnool district. The event starts today and will run until the 24th. Due to this event, the roads leading to Saleswaram are narrow. District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath mentioned that 300 police personnel are present to prevent any issues. Measures have been taken to avoid traffic problems, and emergency vehicles like JCBs and tractors are on standby in case of rain. Nearly 2 lakh devotees are expected to attend the fair in the Nallamalla forests, and arrangements have been made to ensure their safety and comfort. The District SP wished the devotees attending the Saleswaram Jatara well.
In order to accommodate the large number of attendees at the Saleswaram fair, various arrangements have been put in place to prevent any incidents. The presence of 300 police personnel is meant to ensure the safety and security of everyone at the event. Emergency vehicles like JCBs and tractors are also on standby in case of any issues, especially due to rain. The District SP expressed confidence that these measures will help in maintaining order and ensuring a smooth experience for the nearly 2 lakh devotees expected to attend.
The Saleswaram Jatara, known as Telangana Amarnath, is set to take place in Lingala mandal within the Nallamalla forests of Nagar Kurnool district from today until the 24th. With narrow roads leading to Saleswaram, precautions have been taken to prevent any potential traffic problems. The District SP emphasized that the safety and well-being of the devotees attending the fair is a top priority, with arrangements made to accommodate the large number of expected attendees. Congratulations were extended to all those participating in the Saleswaram Jatara by the District SP.