In Nagarkurnool, District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath informed the media that a case has been registered regarding the murder of Chekepalli Mallesh. The accused have been remanded in Gantraupalli village in Peddakottapalli mandal of Nagar Kurnool district.
Mallesh was killed on December 29, 2023, in Gantraupalli village. Chikkepalli Naresh confessed during the investigation that his brother-in-law Giri Guruvayya had planned and carried out the murder due to a land dispute. Following a complaint from Mallesh’s wife Nirmala, the investigation was completed and the accused were sent to remand.
SP Gaikwad stated that the murder was a result of a land dispute and old rivalries, with no political involvement. Despite claims made by some politicians suggesting otherwise, the SP confirmed that Mallesh’s murder was not politically motivated.