The 109th birth anniversary of Konda Laxman Bapu was celebrated in Wanaparthy district on Friday morning. The event took place at the District B.C. Welfare Department’s integrated district offices complex. The celebration was organized by the Welfare Department, where the District Collector, other district officials, and leaders of the Padmasali Sangam paid floral tributes to Konda Laxman Bapu’s portrait.
During the program, the District Collector spoke about the importance of remembering the noble people who contributed to the Telangana movement. He emphasized that the government would continue to celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries of such dignitaries. The society of Telangana is encouraged to follow the footsteps of these leaders and contribute to achieving their dreams.
Satish Yadav, the chairman of the Padmasali Sangam, also participated in the event. He praised Konda Laxman Bapu’s selfless contributions to the Telangana movement, mentioning that Bapu fought during both the first and third phases of the movement. He even opened his own home for activists to meet and plan for the cause.
Several other important figures attended the event, including Additional Collector Nagesh, B.C. Welfare Department Officer B. Subbareddy, and the District Officers. Many leaders from the Padmasali Sangam, such as J. Venkatramulu, Srinivasulu, and Satyanarayana, were also present to pay their respects.
The event concluded with everyone honoring the memory of Konda Laxman Bapu and his dedication to the Telangana movement.