Skymet Weather, a private forecasting agency, has predicted a poor monsoon in India for the next four weeks. This could negatively affect agriculture during the time when crops are usually planted. The central and western parts of India, which are important for the monsoon, may struggle due to a lack of rain early in the season.
The southwest monsoon arrived late this year, on June 8 instead of the usual date of June 1. Cyclone Biparjoy in the Arabian Sea delayed the arrival of the monsoon and is now stopping the rain from reaching other regions. By June 15, the monsoon usually covers Maharashtra, Odisha, half of Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Bihar, but this hasn’t happened yet.
Currently, the monsoon is only affecting the northeast and west coast of India. Unfortunately, there are no signs of weather systems emerging over the Bay of Bengal in the near future, which are important for driving the monsoon.