In New Delhi, during a discussion about the Manipur issue, Mallikarjun Kharge, the Leader of Opposition, had a lighthearted exchange with Chairman Jagdeep Dhakhar in the Rajya Sabha on Thursday. Kharge asked Dhakhar why he seemed angry, to which Dhakhar responded that he never gets angry because he has been married for 45 years.
After Dhakhar allowed Kharge to speak, Kharge mentioned that he is made to sit within two seconds. He jokingly said that Dhakhar was probably a little angry. Dhakhar replied by saying that as a married man for 45 years, he never gets angry. This caused laughter among the members. Dhankhar also emphasized that as a senior advocate, he is not allowed to show his anger to the authority, pointing towards Kharge.
Dhakhar mentioned that he cannot discuss his wife in the house as she is not a member. He requested Kharge to “modify” the comment about him getting angry. Kharge then remarked that while Dhakhar doesn’t show his anger, he still feels it internally. This led to more laughter in the house, with both sides enjoying the lighter moments.