In the village of Nandi Vadderman in Bijnapalli Mandal, special Til Oil Abhisheka Pujas were held for Shani Dev and Jyeshta Mata. This event took place on a Krishna Paksha Saptami, a special Saturday during the Ashada month. The temple’s head priest, Dr. Gavvamatham Vishwanatha Shastri, shared that many devotees came to the temple with great devotion to seek blessings from Shani Dev.
The priest announced that on the upcoming Saturday, August 3rd, Masa Shivaratri and Amavasya will be observed. He encouraged devotees to offer special worship on these days. He explained the significance of having a divine vision of Lord Shiva, who holds the Brahma Sutra, during Pradosha Kala on Ashada Masa Shivaratri. Furthermore, he mentioned that August 4th, Sunday, is Ashada Masa Amavasya and Pushyami Nakshatra, the birth star of Shani Dev, making worship on this day particularly beneficial.
Devotees performed abhisheka to Shani Dev using sesame oil, Arka flowers, Jilledu leaves, and Jilledu flowers. These rituals are believed to remedy planetary doshas and bring peace. Afterward, Rudrabhisheka Pujas and special archana were performed for Lord Shiva, along with prayers to Ganapati and Nandishwara Swami.
Participants received Vedic blessings, holy water, and prasad. The event was attended by temple chairman V. Gopal Rao, temple committee members Veerashaker, Prabhakar, Pullaiah, priests Gavvamatham Shanti Kumar, Umamaheshwar, Jayant, staff Gopal Reddy, and numerous devotees, including many women.