The Sammakka Saralamma fair has started in Medaram. Temple officials have introduced online payment for devotees who want to offer prayers to Sammakka Saralamma. The facility was inaugurated by Minister Konda Surekha on Wednesday. For those who can’t attend the Medaram Jatara, the government has provided an option to offer gold called Niluvettu to the Goddesses. Devotees can book Niluvettu gold offering by paying Rs.60 per kg based on their weight. They are also offering the opportunity to receive Medaram Prasad by mail.
In addition, the Medaram fair was inaugurated on Wednesday. The Gudimelige festival marks the beginning of the first phase of the fair. Gudimelige Tantu takes place two weeks before the Maha Jatara. As part of Gudimelige, special pujas were conducted by the priests at the Sammakka temple in Medaram and the Saralamma temple in Kannepally. The biennial Medaram festival, which is the largest tribal fair in Asia, starts on the 21st of this month and lasts for four days.