Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu has instructed SCCL to fill vacant posts quickly. Notifications for 317 direct recruitment posts and 168 internal recruitment posts will be issued soon.
Transparency in recruitment process is a priority for the Deputy CM. He aims to provide jobs to at least 1,000 people this year. Discussions at a recent meeting focused on development and welfare programs in SCCL.
Efforts are being made to raise the age limit of heirs to 40 years and provide accident insurance to Singareni workers. Plans for a 10.5-megawatt solar plant inauguration and a guest house in Hyderabad were also discussed.
Officials were instructed to ensure sufficient coal reserves for power stations and review coal production and transportation daily. Further discussions with SCCL directors were held to coordinate various initiatives.
Director (Personnel) N V K Srinivas will oversee proposals to increase age limit of heirs, as well as arrangements for the solar plant inauguration and guest house bhumi puja program.