Congress MLC Jeevan Reddy criticized the BJP for requesting a CBI inquiry to shield former chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao from the phone-tapping case. He expressed his views at a press conference held at Gandhi Bhavan in Hyderabad. Reddy mentioned that it was surprising to see the BJP demanding the case be handed over to the CBI.
He claimed that the BJP had collaborated with BRS to defeat Congress candidates in the Lok Sabha elections. In return, the BJP was now trying to protect KCR by pushing for a CBI inquiry into the phone-tapping case. Reddy noted that BJP leaders had remained silent until the phone-tapping incident came to light. He emphasized that the State police were currently investigating the case and promised that strict action would be taken against those involved.
Reddy also asserted that KCR could not evade responsibility for the phone-tapping case. He criticized BRS for becoming a subsidiary of the BJP and urged both parties to stop putting on shows in front of the public.