In Hyderabad, Congress spokesperson K Ramachandra Reddy criticized Delhi police for seizing cellphones of the accused in the Amit Shah video case, saying they were disregarding the High Court’s orders. He accused the Union government of pushing the case without proper consideration and involving themselves unethically. Reddy condemned the seizure of a female social media worker’s phone without a female cop present, and vowed to fight against the BJP’s unethical actions.
On another note, the Telangana Fishermen Congress Committee raised concerns about ‘antisocial elements’ posing as Delhi police in Hyderabad, Secunderabad, and Cyberabad. The Committee’s Chairman, Mettu Sai Kumar, wrote a letter to DGP Ravi Gupta, reporting that these individuals were approaching IT professionals and others, causing panic and fear among them. Kumar urged the police to identify and apprehend these imposters to reassure IT professionals and ensure their safety.
Overall, both incidents highlight the need for authorities to uphold the law and protect citizens from unethical practices and imposters posing as law enforcement. It is crucial for law enforcement agencies to act swiftly and decisively in addressing such issues to maintain public trust and safety.