Security has been tightened at sensitive places in New Delhi due to violence in neighboring Haryana, according to the Delhi Police. Activists from Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal protested in multiple locations, causing traffic disruptions. The police have increased security measures and deployed additional forces to prevent any harm to Delhi’s security and communal harmony. They are patrolling sensitive areas, holding meetings with peace committees, monitoring social media, and checking vehicles at the borders. Drones are being used for security, foot patrolling is being conducted, and senior officers are interacting with locals. The police have urged citizens to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to them. In the northeast district, protesters were stopped by the police, and security arrangements have been tightened. A video of a slogan being raised outside a police station circulated on social media, but the police claimed it was from Sunday and the individuals had dispersed afterwards. Six people have died in the violence, and arrests and detentions have been made.