The Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Vinay Kumar Saxena, has made a significant announcement that may lead to increased conflict with the Arvind Kejriwal government. The LG office has suspended the services of 400 specialists who were working in different ministries and agencies of the Delhi government.
According to a statement from the LG’s office, these specialists were private individuals working as experts in various departments, corporations, boards, societies, or PSUs of the Delhi government. The statement highlighted that some of these appointments lacked transparency and were made without the consent of the competent authority. Additionally, the reservation policy for SC/ST/OBC applicants was not followed in these appointments. However, there has been no response from the Kejriwal government regarding the LG’s decision.
The Services Department suggested terminating the services of around 400 employees who held positions such as Fellow, Assistant Fellow, Advisor, Deputy Advisor, Expert, Senior Research Officer, or Consultant in various departments and agencies of the Delhi Government. Acting on this suggestion, the Lieutenant Governor dismissed all of them.