CM Kejriwal has provided Rs 10,000 financial assistance to flood-affected families in Delhi. The government has also promised to offer additional help to these families. Many families living near the Yamuna river have been severely affected by the floods, losing their belongings. Each affected family will receive Rs 10,000 as financial aid. Special camps will be set up for those who have lost their identification documents, and children will be able to retrieve their washed-away clothing and books from their schools.
The situation on the ground has slightly improved as the water level of the Yamuna river has dropped below the danger level. However, some areas are still flooded, and efforts are being made to improve the situation as quickly as possible. In response to the floods, CM Kejriwal held a meeting with his ministers on Saturday.
In addition to the flood situation, there is ongoing political tension in the city. There have been verbal fights between the BJP and the AAP, as well as conflicts with the LG. The AAP recently tweeted about a dry canal connecting Hathinikund Barrage to UP, but water was later released into it after a video went viral. The AAP questions whether this was a conspiracy by the BJP to flood Delhi.
In response, BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia stated at a press conference that there is a water crisis in Delhi and that the AAP blames the Haryana government and various other entities without any evidence. The Indian Army, Central Government, LG, and NDRF teams are all working to serve the public, while the Chief Minister enjoys the comfort of an air-conditioned room.