Deepak Reddy, who was discovered by the Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC), has been named one of the top three winners in India at The Better Way Awards on the 38th foundation day of Amara Raja Group. TSIC officials have recognized Deepak for his unique AgriTech Stone Picker innovation, which was submitted under Bhaumya Innovations Pvt Ltd. He received the prestigious ‘Amara Raja Better Way Award for Best Agri-Based Business,’ marking the first time Amara Raja has presented awards to celebrate rural innovators. This highlights the company’s commitment to supporting transformative initiatives. As part of the award, Deepak received a cash prize of Rs 3 lakhs, which he plans to use to expand Bhaumya Innovations Pvt Ltd.
Dr. Shanta Thoutam, Chief Innovation Officer of Telangana, said, “These awards demonstrate the power of innovation in rural areas and how it benefits the people of Telangana and beyond. They showcase not only individual achievements but also the comprehensive and inclusive nature of rural innovation and sustainable development.”