A man from Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar district who was declared dead of Covid-19 during the second wave of the pandemic in 2021 and cremated in a Gujarat hospital has returned home, causing shock and surprise to his family and neighbours. Kamlesh Patidar, 35, knocked on the door of his maternal aunt’s house in Karodkala village in Dhar early on Saturday morning. According to his cousin, Kamlesh fell ill with Covid-19 and was admitted to a hospital in Vadodara, Gujarat. The doctors later declared him dead and gave his body to his family, who performed his last rites. However, on Saturday, Kamlesh suddenly returned home without saying where he had been during the last two years.
The incident has left the locals of the Karodkala village in shock and disbelief. The police will record Kamlesh’s statement to know more about where he was since his “death”. The hospital that declared him dead is said to be a government hospital.