Congress workers from Hanumakonda, led by Naini Rajender Reddy, took part in a bike rally on Friday to celebrate Telangana Formation Day. During the rally, Reddy criticized Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for failing to live up to his promise of creating a prosperous Telangana. Reddy praised UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi for fulfilling the people’s long-held dream of creating a separate state, despite being aware of the potential political consequences. He accused the BRS Government of betraying the people’s aspirations after coming to power.
Reddy accused KCR of forgetting the principles behind the Telangana agitation and failing to deliver on his promises of providing water, funds, and employment. He claimed that KCR had only benefited himself and his family members during his nine years in power. Reddy also accused KCR of diluting important policies introduced by the Congress party, including Arogyasri and fee reimbursement.
The Congress workers later held a bike rally from Ashoka junction to Amaraveerula Stupam at Adalath junction. Reddy appealed to the people to teach BRS a lesson in the upcoming elections.