Home Hyderabad CS Santhi Kumari instructs collectors to implement a strategy to help SHG...

CS Santhi Kumari instructs collectors to implement a strategy to help SHG women become millionaires.

CS Santhi Kumari instructs collectors to implement a strategy to help SHG women become millionaires.

Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari has instructed district collectors to implement a plan to help 25,000 women Self-Help Groups become millionaires by providing Rs 1 crore to each group.

A policy document will be released soon to include more women in Self-Help Groups and reach the goal of making them millionaires in five years.


Santhi Kumari praised women groups for making school uniforms and urged collectors to finish making the second set quickly.

To prevent diseases like diarrhoea, dengue, malaria, and chikungunya during the monsoon season, the Medical and Health wing must take steps like fogging, anti-larvae operations, and health surveys. Helplines and response teams will also be set up in districts.

Collectors need to focus on resolving Dharani complaints, with over 57,000 applications approved in the last two years. All pending applications must be cleared.

Employee transfers should be done by July 20, following government rules. Vacancies have been announced department-wise for transparent transfers.

The government plans to establish 49 residential schools, with collectors instructed to acquire 20 acres of government land for each school.



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