An Indian climber named Anurag Maloo went missing on Mount Annapurna in Nepal on Monday. He fell into a deep crevasse while descending from Camp III. Mount Annapurna is the 10th highest mountain in the world. Anurag was found alive in critical condition by rescuers on Thursday. He was located in a deep crevasse between Camp III and Camp II of the mountain. A team of six Sherpa climbers led by Chhang Dawa Sherpa and a helicopter were used to rescue him. He was airlifted to Kathmandu and admitted to Medicity Hospital at Bhaisepati area of Lalitpur district. His condition is very critical, and he is still unconscious.
Another climber named Baljeet Kaur was also evacuated from Mount Annapurna. She went missing near Camp IV while descending from the summit point. She was found alive on Tuesday and is recovering from COVID-19 at CIWEC Hospital. Pasang Tenje Sherpa, who organized the expedition, said that she will embark for Dhaulagiri once she is fully recovered.