Sensational information has emerged from the attack on a girl in LB Nagar, Hyderabad. A man named Shivakumar attacked the girl and her brother because she rejected his love. Sadly, the brother, Prithvi, who was seriously injured in the attack, passed away. Villagers have stated that Shivakumar had a tense nature from the beginning and that his father scolded him about his love affair. It is believed that he even killed his own father with a hammer. However, the villagers kept this murder a secret. The police are now conducting a thorough investigation into Prithvi’s murder and looking into Shivakumar’s past crimes.
The incident took place in RTC Colony under LB Nagar on Sunday afternoon. Shivakumar, who is from Nerellacheruvu village of Rangareddy district, fell in love with a girl named Sanghavi, who studied with him in school in Shadnagar. He had been harassing Sanghavi since then. After completing class 10, Sanghavi’s family moved to a rented house in LB Nagar, Hyderabad. Sanghavi was studying in her fourth year at Homeo College in Ramantapur, while her brother Prithvi had finished engineering and was searching for a job. Shivakumar completed his degree and lives in Ramantapur. Recently, when he expressed his love to Sanghavi again, she reprimanded him. This angered Shivakumar, leading him to visit Sanghavi’s house in RTC Colony on Sunday and attack her with a knife.