During a party meeting in Madgulaapally mandal on Tuesday, CPM State secretary Tammineni Veerabadram expressed his concern that the BJP poses a danger to the country. He accused the saffron party of engaging in political prostitution to gain power in the state at any cost. Veerabadram warned party members that Central and State BJP leaders are attempting to bring the party to power in Telangana by any means necessary, including offering contracts and money to leaders of various parties. He stated that if the BJP comes to power, they will implement their Manuvadi ideologies, which recognize only Hindus as citizens and consider everyone else as second-class citizens. The CPM leader also accused the BJP of inciting fanaticism and creating a divide between castes and religions. He called upon party members to mobilize the people to fight against the Central and State governments on public issues. The CPM will hold a Jana Chaitanya Yatra in 33 districts for 15 days from March 17 to 29 to expose the mistakes of the BJP government at the Centre. Veerabadram also emphasized that CPM offices will serve as centers of movement and home of struggles and social service programs.