CPI senior leader Narayana has made sensational comments regarding the Delhi Liquor Scam. He questioned why only Sisodia was arrested in the scam, while YCP and BRS leaders involved in the scam remain safe. Narayana criticized the close relationship between the BRS and BJP parties, suggesting that MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha was not arrested due to their understanding. He also condemned Prime Minister Narendra Modi for disrespecting Chief Minister KCR by sharing his off-the-record remarks publicly.
Narayana expressed his disbelief at Modi’s claim that BRS and BJP are not affiliated. He called it an insulting statement from a person at the Prime Minister’s level. He further questioned why the Modi government has not taken action against KCR’s corruption. Narayana suggested that it would be beneficial for the Congress and Left parties to come together in Telangana and on a national level. Additionally, he mentioned that the CPI is open to collaborating with TDP and Janasena in Andhra Pradesh.