CPI leader K. Narayana has voiced his support for remarks made by renowned Telugu film producer Dil Raju, describing them as both reasonable and necessary. Narayana spoke about the ongoing tensions between the government and the film industry, stressing that such conflicts are unhelpful and should be avoided.
He praised Dil Raju’s efforts to act as a bridge between the two sides. “Dil Raju’s initiative to foster understanding between the government and the film industry is praiseworthy. Both sectors need to cooperate for the benefit of the public and the creative community,” Narayana said.
The CPI leader highlighted the important role the film industry plays in shaping cultural identities and contributing to the economy. He noted that maintaining a positive and collaborative relationship with the government is crucial for addressing common challenges effectively.
Dil Raju has been actively speaking out about the issues faced by the Telugu film industry, including taxation policies and resource allocation. His efforts have sparked widespread discussion in both political and creative circles.
Narayana’s endorsement of Dil Raju’s initiatives is expected to encourage more conversations and cooperation between the government and the film industry. This collaboration could help resolve ongoing disputes in a peaceful and productive manner.