A complaint was filed at Bhongir town police station regarding a poster that depicted a cow inappropriately during Bakrid. Kanukuntla Ramesh expressed concern that the Hindu community’s sentiments were hurt by the depiction of a cow on the greetings poster meant for the Muslim community. The complaint was lodged by Ratnapuram Balram, Mangu Narsimharao, Survi Srinivas Goud, and others.
Bhongir town SI Arun Kumar confirmed that a case was registered based on the complaint from the Hindu communities. The complaint stated that a cow was shown instead of a goat on the Bakrid greeting poster. An investigation is currently underway to address this issue.
MLA Kumbham Anil Kumar Reddy apologized for the mistake in the poster released on his behalf for Bakrid. He acknowledged the error and expressed regret for any hurt caused to individuals whose sentiments were affected by the mistake.