A fire broke out at Sri Rajarajeswara Cotton Industry near Jakaram of Mulugu mandal in the district. The fire started because of a short circuit in the air compressor of the ginning mill, and it spread to the cotton causing severe damage. The staff noticed the cotton sticking and saw smoke coming out, so they immediately alerted the owners. The owners and staff tried to put out the fire using the fire safety measures in the mill, but they also called the fire stations of Mulugu, Parakala, and Narsampeta for help. Eventually, with the assistance of the fire engines, they were able to control the fire.
The mill had stored around 2 crores worth of cotton, and unfortunately, around 60 lakhs worth of cotton was burnt in the fire. However, thanks to the quick response of the fire safety measures and the fire engines, the owners and staff were able to save cotton worth about 40 lakh crores. They expressed their gratitude for the timely assistance, acknowledging that without it, the loss would have been much greater.