The District SP K Apoorva Rao held a meeting with inter-state border police officers at Indian Cement factory conference hall in Vadapally, Nalgonda. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the preparedness for the upcoming assembly elections in the state. Various officials including Suryapet district SP Y Rajendra Prasad, Andhra Pradesh Palnadu district SP Y Ravi Shankar Reddy, and others attended the conference.
During the meeting, Apoorva Rao emphasized the importance of coordination among the border police officers in enforcing the election code of conduct. She also called for the establishment of round-the-clock checkposts on inter-state and inter-district police entry and exit routes.
The police officials discussed various precautionary measures to prevent the supply of alcohol and cash during the elections. They also focused on controlling the transportation of drugs like ganja and curbing the movement of criminals. Sharing intelligence information was also emphasized at the meeting.