The Congress party in Hyderabad is expected to announce the candidates for the upcoming MLC seat polls. These polls will be held on January 29 under the MLA quota. TPCC president, A Revnath Reddy, recently had a final round of talks with AICC chief Mallikarjuna Kharrge to decide on the candidates. Rahul Gandhi and Deepadas Munshi were also present at the meeting. Several leaders, including G Chinna Reddy, M Kodanda Reddy, Zafar Javed, Patel Ramesh Reddy, Vem Narender Reddy, Ali bin Ibrahim Masqati, B Mahesh Kumar Goud, Addanki Dayakar, and G Niranjan, are considered top contenders for the MLC posts.
During the meeting, Revanth also discussed the cabinet expansion, as there are still six vacant berths. One of the MLCs will be appointed as a minister in the cabinet expansion. However, the clarity on the cabinet expansion will only come after the completion of the MLC bypolls. The Chief Minister wants to fill these ministerial berths before announcing the schedule for the Lok Sabha elections.