The BRS is happy that the BJP lost in the Karnataka Assembly polls, but they are disappointed that the Janata Dal(S) led by HD Kumaraswamy did not do well. The JD(S) lost 18 seats compared to the last elections. KCR, the Chief Minister of Telangana, warned party leaders to be cautious of the Congress, as they are still the main rival in Telangana. He said that the Karnataka results show an anti-BJP wave and party workers should use it to their advantage while also preventing any possible surge by Congress in Telangana. KCR had hoped that JD(S) would play a key role in forming the new government in Karnataka.
KCR said that it is possible that Congress leaders from Delhi, including Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, may increase their political tourism. The party needs to be ready for the elections in 2024 and prevent Congress from gaining any advantage from their victory in Karnataka. KCR will meet with JD(S) leaders to discuss the possibility of BRS contesting in the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 with the support of Janata Dal party.