In Hyderabad, the incumbent of Chevella constituency lost the election despite strong support from the State leadership, including Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy. The Congress candidate, Gaddam Ranjith Reddy, who switched parties earlier this year, was defeated by BJP candidate Konda Vishweshwar Reddy by over 1.7 lakh votes.
Vishweshwar Reddy received over 8 lakh votes, while Ranjith Reddy got 6.3 lakh votes. The BRS leader KasaniGnaneshwar Goud came in third with just over 1.7 lakh votes. Chevella constituency includes several Assembly segments like Rajendranagar, Chevella, Serilingampally, Maheshwaram, Tandur, Vikarabad, and Pargi.
In the previous Lok Sabha elections in 2019, both Vishweshwar Reddy and Ranjith Reddy represented different parties. Vishweshwar Reddy had won the seat in 2014 as well. Ranjith Reddy had joined Congress earlier this year after switching from TRS (now BRS). Despite efforts by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and other leaders, Ranjith Reddy struggled to gain local support during the campaign.
Vishweshwar Reddy had joined BJP after facing disappointment in his previous party. Ranjith Reddy’s decision to switch parties ahead of the election was seen as a risky move, considering the existing political challenges within the Chevella constituency. Despite multiple meetings and support from party leaders, Ranjith Reddy was unable to secure enough local backing for his campaign.