The Congress in Hyderabad demanded the immediate arrest of former CM K Chandrashekar Rao for objecting to Justice L Narasimha Reddy leading the Commission investigating power sector irregularities. PCC vice president MRG Vinod Reddy stated that KCR’s objections could result in a six-month prison sentence under the Commissions of Enquiry Act 1952. He emphasized that KCR should face legal consequences for his actions, regardless of his past tenure as chief minister.
The Congress government is prepared to expose irregularities from the previous BRS government, according to Vinod Reddy. He mentioned how former energy minister G Jagadish Reddy had previously called for the formation of such a committee to challenge the ruling Congress’s claims.
AICC legal coordinator for Telangana C Damodar Reddy pointed out that KCR has not received any notice from the panel but has only been asked for clarification on the issue. He questioned why KCR was attacking the panel without providing any clarification on why contractors were awarded without calling tenders during the previous government’s term.