Nagarkurnool: Dr. Mallu Ravi, the Congress candidate for the Nagarkurnool Parliamentary seat, along with Nagar Kurnool MLA Dr. Koochukulla Rajesh Reddy and MLC Koochukula Damodar Reddy, visited Vattem Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Bijinapalli Mandal of Nagar Kurnool Constituency.
After their visit to the temple, Dr. Mallu Ravi mentioned that it was his first time seeking blessings from Vattem Venkateswara Swamy since receiving the MP ticket. He also discussed various development projects in the Nagarkurnool region, such as lift irrigation projects and canals.
Dr. Mallu Ravi emphasized that all these projects will be completed to provide water to farmers. Additionally, he mentioned plans for skill development, bringing industries to the area, and creating employment opportunities through the National Highway project on Nalgonda Road.
The visit drew a large gathering of supporters and activists showing their support for Dr. Mallu Ravi’s campaign.