Kolan Hanumanth Reddy, a candidate from the Congress Party in the Quthbullapur Constituency, attended a meeting organized by the Kurma Sangam. The meeting was led by Balakrishna, who is the former chairman of the Quthbullapur Kuruma Sangam. During the meeting, Hanumanth Reddy listened to the problems faced by the attendees and promised to solve them if he is elected in the upcoming Congress government.
The meeting was attended by advisors of the Quthbullapur Kuruma Sangam, including Narlakanti Pentaiah and former presidents Narla Kanti Pratap, Narlakanti Durgaiah, Batta Narsimha, Anand, and B. Venkatesh. Senior Congress leaders Sidda Nolla Sanjeeva Reddy, Dinesh, and former ward member Ganesh were also present, along with Mohammad Shakeel, Hanif, Sheikh Mahbub, Md. Maqbool, President of 129 Division Mahila Congress leader Achamma, and many other leaders and activists.
Together, they expressed their full support to Hanmanth Reddy and discussed the issues faced by their community.