The ruling Congress party in Hyderabad is strengthening its Legal Cell in response to allegations made by the Opposition against ministers N Uttam Kumar Reddy and Jupally Krishna Rao. As the Court vacation ends, the party is preparing for potential legal battles and plans to establish district committees in June.
Party sources have been monitoring the accusations made by rival parties such as BJP and BRS against the ministries. While the Excise minister had previously threatened a defamation case over an article on liquor policy, the ruling party is currently maintaining a calm approach. There is a chance that alleged scams may end up in court.
Regarding Uttam Kumar, the Congress is expecting increased attacks from BJP and BRS in the near future. BJP floor leader A Maheshwar Reddy has made serious allegations against the ruling party in the Civil Supplies department, which Uttam Kumar currently heads.
The party is not rushing to file defamation cases at the moment but is prepared to defend itself against potential legal challenges from leaders like Maheshwar Reddy. Ponnam Ashok Goud has been appointed as Convenor of the Legal Cell, taking over from C Damodar Reddy.
With the court vacation ending, the party anticipates legal issues arising in the coming days and plans to establish District level committees in the following month.