A tense situation occurred at the Hanuman temple in Chelpur of Huzurabad mandal on Tuesday. This happened after BRS MLA Padi Kaushik Reddy and Congress Huzurabad constituency in-charge Pranav Babu challenged each other to take oath at the shrine regarding Minister Ponnam Prabhakar’s alleged involvement in the fly ash scam.
About 200 police personnel, led by Huzurabad ACP Srinivas, were deployed at the temple and in the village to maintain peace as both leaders planned to visit the Hanuman temple.
Kaushik Reddy accused Minister Ponnam Prabhakar of illegally transporting fly ash from NTPC Ramagundam to Khammam to make a profit.
In response to the challenge, Kaushik Reddy agreed to visit the temple, but police prevented him and other leaders from leaving their homes to avoid any potential conflict.
Despite warnings from the police, some Congress workers attempted to reach the Hanuman Temple, shouting slogans along the way. Police intervened, leading to a lathi charge and injuries to two Congress workers. The police then dispersed the crowd from the temple area.
Key officials like ACP Srinivas G and CI Bollam Ramesh were present during the incident.