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Concerns over Corruption in Telangana State Voiced by Veerlapalli Shankar, General Secretary of Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee in Rangareddy

Concerns over Corruption in Telangana State Voiced by Veerlapalli Shankar, General Secretary of Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee in Rangareddy

Veerlapalli Shankar, a leader from the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee, went to Bearkhanpalli Village and was warmly welcomed by the village leaders. The leaders were Rupla Naik, Raghavender, Anjaiah, and Yadaiah. Shankar unveiled the Congress party flag in the village, which is in Rangareddy district.

Shankar talked about corruption and financial irregularities in the State. He was worried about the current fiscal situation and said the Congress party is committed to solving these problems. He also said he believes the Congress party will win the next election.


Many people attended the program, including Rupla Naik, P Kumar Yadav (the Congress Party Village President), V Ganesh (the Vice President), Deputy Sarpanch Gundagala Manemma Anjaiah, village leaders, party workers, women, and youth.



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